The Whisper
I'm sitting on my couch and can't tune out the howling wind outside my door. Sometimes it sounds like it's talking. What is it saying? I have no clue, but I hear it. I can't help but hear it. And I also can't help but think of the Bible story about a man named Elijah. He ran off in fear for His life, and God met him right where he was. (if you want the full version, look it up in the book of 1Kings chapter 19)
"Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper." 1Kings 19:11-12
I read this story and I'm reminded of God's mysterious attributes and how He reveals Himself to us in unique ways. And I know that at times it is very easy to witness and see His mighty works and mercies at hand. Like when we're spared from a major accident, when we get the job we've been waiting on, or when the doctor gives positive news. It's audible, palpable, tangible even, and undeniable that God is at work. - as the wind is howling. The earth is quaking. The fire is burning.
And yet at other times, it is so hard to see God, or even hear Him. Actually, at times it is much easier to question Him and simply assume that He is not interested. Have you ever questioned if God is actually interested in your circumstance? I know I have. Many times I have felt positive that God is busy helping somebody else, and my issue is not as crucial. He has better things to do. And I keep quiet. I retreat. I stuff and suppress and ignore. I distract myself with the noise. Perhaps the howling of the wind is much more entertaining.
And then, out of nowhere, when I finally shut out the noises, my own voices even. When I quietly sit in waiting, I hear a break to the silence. For you see, it is in silence when a soft whisper is likely to be heard. In fact, a whisper is barely heard when we are surrounded by noise.
There is something else about whispers that I find interesting. They are not heard from afar. Like have you ever heard someone whisper to you from across a crowded room, or even an empty room? A whisper is usually heard when the person is up close.
I'd like to think that God pulls up very closely, and then I hear His soft voice. As He whispers in my ear... I am here.
You are not alone.
I have healed you.
I am near.
You are precious to me.
I forgive you.
I see you.
I did not forget you.
I love you.
And so, as I sit here trying to decipher the howling sounds of the wind, I long for the quiet and clear whisper of a God who comes close.
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