Laugh a Little

I love to laugh. Some people might even think that I laugh too much. Now that's absurd!  Haha!  Wouldn't you agree that laughing is one of the most enjoyable things to do? 

Allow me to shed some light on it, since I believe I know a thing or two about laughter.  Laughter is a form of expression. I mean, yes, it is definitely an appropriate response when you find something humorous. Like I love it when I can laugh so hard that it hurts my belly. And sometimes I actually long for that kind of laughter.  

However, it isn't meant solely for when you find something funny. Like I have a nervous laugh, for those times when I'm feeling a bit nervous, intimidated, or just unsure about something. I've been guilty of laughing while I'm crying. I know it sounds crazy, but I think it's in part my nervous laugh creeping in when I'm emotional about a certain matter or other. Laughter, what a gift!

Some people say it is good for the soul. In fact, the book of Proverbs says that "Laughter is like good medicine."  And boy, can I use some of that!

Well, today I noted something new about laughter; something I never really thought about before. But when I read this description about the character of what most people refer to as the Proverbs 31 woman, I had to pause, reflect, and go a little deeper. This is what it says, "She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."   Now, some may be tempted to mock. Like why would she be laughing at the unknown? There is no humor in that. But if you notice, like I especially noted today. Her laughter comes from an inner confidence that she beholds. And why is she confident? Because she is filled with an immeasurable amount of strength and dignity that only God provides. 

You see under this circumstance; laughter serves as a tool to use against what may feel is out of our control. Hence, the future. In fact, laughter has been said to be "vitally important in the battle against stress, anxiety, fear, and worry." Therefore, the Proverbs 31 woman was unto something when she was able to laugh even if things were not always in her control. 

I'm currently personally calling on laughter for confident strength. And I'm using it as a weapon against the fears I feel and the relentless discouragement that seeks to creep in. Although I don't know what my future holds. Although the doctors do not offer much optimism. Although things just don't look the way I would have wanted, I am choosing to clothe myself with strength and dignity, and laugh at the days to come because although it is all out of my control, I know a God who is in total control, and He will dictate my going and coming. And He will also be walking right by my side. 

And maybe, just maybe, He will share a good laugh with me. 


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