God is in control (the waves of life)

"Should you not fear me? declares the Lord. Should you not tremble in my presence? I made the sand a boundary for the sea, an everlasting barrier it cannot cross. The waves may roll, but they cannot prevail; they may roar, but they cannot cross it." Jeremiah 5:22

Most people who know me know that I love the ocean. However, what most people do not know is that I'm also very much afraid of deep waters. I do not swim in the ocean or do anything other than stand at the shore and admire the vast body of water and its roaring waves. I can stare at it for long periods of time, and I never grow tired of its demanding sound nor awesome beauty. At times I might jump the waves, but always close to shore. Sometimes I stare out until I'm filled with emotion. I never go too far in, but when I think about how enormous and powerful it is, I become overwhelmed and humbled. 

But honestly, although I see its splendor as undeniable, the real awe and admiration comes from knowing that this is just one small (maybe not so small) part of God's creation. And when creation points us to its maker, we must recognize His majesty and power. Here's the thing, that vast and massive body of water that we call ocean is not only under the design of its maker, but it is also set to sit in its place under God's dominion. On its own, it is just a body of water.  Those roaring waves, as loud and mighty as they may be, cannot move, drift, nor charge without the guidance of God's almighty hands. On their own, the waves are limited and powerless, not able to roll nor cross the barrier of sand that God designated to keep them in place. What an amazing attribute, that which is God's power and control. Elohim and El Shaddai, "the strong creator God" and "God Almighty."

Which leads me to this little piece of inspirational writing. I read the scripture several times before it finally hit me. God is in control.  Nothing is out of His radar nor out of His reach. And just as He has authority over the movement of the ocean waves and the setting of the bordering sand, He also has complete control over the powerful waves we may face in life. 

Personally, lately the waves of life seem to be surrounding me, encircling me, as if trying to engulf me.  I told you I'm afraid of deep waters and usually stay on shore. But the waves of life have no regard for what we prefer nor want to stay away from. Suffering and pain at times is simply inevitable. And we find ourselves right in the middle of deep water, flinging our arms and trying to come up for air, wanting so badly to be safe on level ground. This is all metaphorically speaking of course. But what isn't metaphoric is that there is a God who sees us. There is a God who is aware of the torment we face. The stormy waves of life do not come as surprise to Him. And moreover, dare I say, He allows them. What's more, He can be found within those stormy waves. Holding us up. Keeping us safe in deep water. Yes, I said it; we can be safe even in deep waters and stormy waves. Because there is a loving Father in heaven who has the power and dominion to do the impossible. And just as He can hold those ocean waves in place and use a barrier to protect us, He can hold life's waves in place and shield us. 

So when I'm feeling overwhelmed and afraid of how these earthly waves might hurt me, I look to Him and find comfort in knowing He has dominion over it all. In fact, it's similar to when I'm standing in awe staring at the ocean and realize God is in control. When I realize the waves of life may roll, but they cannot prevail over me. They may roar, but they cannot cross over me without God's permission. That is when even in my earthly pain and suffering, I still recognize His power. That is the climatic moment when God gets the glory and honor due to Him, no matter what, for He is Elohim, the strong creator God, and El Shaddai, God Almighty.


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