"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.... I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 3:5, 4:8
Been having a hard time sleeping. It's going on several years now. Been struggling to sleep throughout the night. They say it's age. Some call it restlessness. I say it's plain old frustrating. I'm in my PJ's and in bed by 9:00 but it's about another 3 hours before I close my eyes. Not sure why. It's not like I'm not tired because I know I am. And it's not like I'm going to miss much, right? Some people call it FOMO, fear of missing out. Ever hear of it? My daughter told me about it. It's definitely a thing on social media. Like when people post about all that they are doing and the fun they're having (I know I'm guilty of it), but you're the one sitting on your couch scrolling; wondering why you're not having as much fun. Seems kind of silly, but you can actually begin to feel like your life is lacking. It's crazy what the mind will conclude based on a momentary snap of a picture!
So we buy into the idea that we are needing to do more and experience more in order to feel like our lives are worthy. So many people live life thinking they might miss something. So they strive more, and push for more, and want more. They take pride in their restlessness like it's something to be proud of. And slowing down is not even a thought to consider. Resting is looked down on. Might even mean you're just lazy. And you're missing out on life. Simply because we have created this picture that claims life is most meaningful when we are going and going, doing and doing.
But at then end of the day, where do we go for rest? At the end of our day's toil, when can we close our eyes and enjoy some sleep? Enjoy sleep.... Hmm, there's a thought! Ever wonder about the purpose for sleep? I mean eventually we all get sleepy. And eventually our bodies make us aware of our need for rest. But how much do we really value a good night of sleep and rest? Or are we just afraid of letting go of the the very things that keep us up at night?
There is a famous quote by Saint Augustine that I really like. It states, "Our hearts are restless until they find rest in you." Man, if that is not the truth! I can only speak for myself, but restlessness has become a thing that I struggle with a lot. And even though my body is tired and my eyes are heavy, I find it hard to rest. If I'm honest, I know that is has more to do with my mental, emotional, and even moreso spiritual need for rest. You see I'm in "the waiting". I'm in the season of expectation and waiting on God. And to be honest, it doesn't always feel good to me. Most of the time, I get impatient and even frustrated. I ask myself "why?" Then I turn to God and ask Him too. My heart feels restless.
And still His word says, "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me.... I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."
And I'm convicted. I remember that all in all, God prefers my trust in Him over any other kind of 'sacrifice'. He longs for me to trust Him. It's like He's calling me to Him. To sit on His lap, let Him caress my hair and speak softly the words of a lullaby that comes straight from His heart.
Can you picture it?
"I will sustain you. I will keep you safe. You can trust me. Now close your eyes and rest."
Can you hear it?
If you are anything like me, I hope this brings you a word of assurance tonight. As you conclude your day's toils, may you quiet your spirit and mind long enough to hear His lullaby. And may we both finally close our eyes, surrender and let go of all we are worked up about, all that makes us feel restless, and may we fully trust Him enough to rest.
Good night sweet friend.
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