What's on Your Christmas List?

I have a perfume fragrance called "Amazing Grace".  Are you familiar with the brand?  If you visit any department store, you should be able to find it in their perfume and cosmetics section.  I love the scent.  There's a story behind it for me.  It was first given to me by a student some time ago as a Christmas gift.  I fell in love with the gift, not only because I liked the scent, but because I could really use some grace during that time in my life.  It was on my Christmas list and did get it once again a year or two ago.  And every time I use the fragrance, I think about God's gift of grace, and I ask Him to cover me with it.  I'd say we could all use a good dose of daily grace!

On a random note, I've gradually become a tea drinker.  I especially enjoy a nice hot cup of  tea in the morning or at night.  For a while it was chai tea.  Tried it once and was quickly hooked.  I guess sipping on tea makes me feel good.  And some time ago, I started a new practice as I thought about having my morning tea.  With every sip, I picture God's grace for the day.  It's as if it is filling me up, and my prayer would be that it overflows unto others.  And I'm reminded, one can never have enough grace.  Okay so that wasn't too random.

You see the days are hard sometimes.  At times, I wish I could claim a "do over" or a "skip" card, as to not have to deal with daily struggles or acknowledge my shortcomings.  And I wonder, what would I do without His bountiful grace?  If it wasn't for His grace, I would give up on a daily basis.  I'd throw in the towel on my marriage, on parenting, on friendships, on everything that God has blessed my life with.  Yeah, that's the kind of God's child I am.  I can be ungrateful and demanding and truly forgetful about how big and wide His loving grace is for me.  If it wasn't for His grace...

If it had not been for His grace, I'd be a drug addict today.  If not for His grace, I'd have become a pregnant teen dropping out of high school.  I would have committed adultery.  I'd have committed even murder, and then I would have taken my life as well.  Yes, if it had not been for His grace, what a wretched soul I would be!

But oh the sweet fragrance of His grace!  How it covers me and frees me.  It not only forgives me, but allows me to freely forgive and love others who are just as undeserving as me.  You see His grace, not only frees me from what should be deserved punishment and/or consequence, but it also allows me to live graciously.  Not always gracefully, but definitely graciously.  So that when I'm faced with challenges that are beyond my strength, I can still move forward knowing that if I fall, He will be there to hold me.  The sweet sweet smell of grace covers me when I am tempted to lash out or build a wall to keep me from vulnerability before others, and I'm able to surrender my will and allow Him to work through each situation, knowing that He blesses me.

You see God's grace is not only a one time gift for salvation.  But it is an ongoing pouring of blessing and favor on my life that pardons me and helps me to make way for mistakes and hardships, knowing that He will work it all for my good and His glory.  What an amazing gift!  Not wanting to sound cliche, but it truly is the gift that keeps on giving. 

So what's on your Christmas list?  Have you any need for grace?  I know I do!

2 Corinthians 12:9New International Version (NIV)

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.


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