Not Because of Me

Psalm 6:4 Return, O LORD, and rescue me.
Save me because of your unfailing love.

I heard this Psalm in a song the other day, and my heart was drawn to the latter part of the verse. "Save me because of your unfailing love."

And my spirit dwelt on the words. "...because of your unfailing love."

I was made to ponder on all of those times in my life, when in my own self, I have been in need of salvation or rescue. Better yet, my mind drew on the visuals of the days when God spared me from the very worst.

All of those "what if's" in life and all of those "could have's" and even "should have's". God did away with them all, and what remained is the life that He ultimately intends for me.

Not because I've done anything just right, for even as I write, I am humbled by my own selfish state.
Not because I deserve any good in my life, because if it was up to me, I'd been in the pits with the worst.
Not because of anything that I may claim as rightfully mine, for I have nothing that was not gifted to me by Him.

And so, as I pondered on those words, I was reminded of the reason that I've been saved.
And the reason why I'm forgiven.
The reason I'm alive today...

and that is because of His unfailing love.

You see, He doesn't measure our worth based on who we are, what we've done, or anything that may define us.

God gives freely because of who He is. Not because of who we think we are.
God chooses to save us because He is kind. Not because we claimed it.
God rescues us because of His amazing love for us.

He love us.

So on the day when I had in my mind to drive away from my family and leave it all behind, He brought me back to my senses and kept me from the outcome... because of His love.

And when I decided to give up on myself and my life, regardless of what that would mean, He changed my mindset because of His love.

You see, no matter how much good I've done, there's always the wrong that I would have done, had He not stepped in, for me, to rescue me, to save me.

Not because of me; and yet it is so, because He loves me!


  1. Thanking God always for keeping you and bringing out of the darkness and allowing you to bless us all with your you

  2. Thanks Lucy. Always love the way God uses you to bless so many people!!!!


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