Singing Praises

I just want to praise you!---- Psalm 144:9 says, "I will sing a new song to you, O God! I will sing your praises with a ten-stringed harp." I was reminded today about the power of praise. Truly, Satan isn't happy when we are bringing praises to God. So much so, that he'll work his subtle ways to distract us enough that we begin to feel like there is nothing to praise God for. I've been there too many times. "You've fooled me way too many times, and you almost had me today... but not now... no more." I will praise God for He is worthy of all praise. I will praise Him because His love is everlasting. Because his mercies endure forever. Because He alone is my rock and fortress. My tower of safety. My faithful friend. My rescuer and redeemer. When I was young, he lead me to Him. When I was lost, he found me. When I was hurting, he held me. When I was in despair, he gave me hope. When in bondage, he was my deliverer. When I was in shame and guilt, he showed mercy and grace. And as I'm in need, He is always there for me. I love it when I get to the point of deep heartfelt prayers that consist of lots of tears and very few words. Words like: Jesus, help me, and I need you Lord. And I can't say much else because I'm so overwhelmed. Yet, He sees my my tears and heavy heart, and somehow understands me. And the reason I know is because after I'm done pouring my heart out to Him, I begin to feel this immense feeling of peace. I love those moments. As I mentioned, today I was reminded of the power found in praises to God. And how they are fierce weapons in spiritual warfare! Yes, spiritual warfare. Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, the fact is that if you are a child and follower of God, you are living in the midst of a spiritual warfare. You see Satan wants your life. And although, he knows that you belong to Jesus, he wants to keep you from enjoying the wonderful life that God has granted you. Better yet, he longs to make you despise your life and everything in it. He wants to see you dissatisfied. He loves it when you are confused about what God's will is for you. He is happy when you are down and out. And he loves it when he is able to discourage you with just a few simple "white lies". And all along, while you think that you are just having a really bad day, he is doing a little dance of discouragement. You see if he can get you to beleive the little lies...f you can just hold on to those discouraging thoughts long enough, you will begin to waiver in your faith in God. So much so, that you may get to the point, when you begin to wonder why you believed in the first place. Oh but to the contrary, when there are praises on your lips, and words of praise in your mouth, Satan begins to feel defeat. When you acknowledge God for all that He truly is, and you tell Him how grateful you are, Satan gets to squirming and flees from you. He rather entertain someone else, who will give him the time of day. I am in the middle of a warfare... even as I write these words down. Satan has been wanting my family's time. He's been trying to get my family to believe that we are not satisfied. That there is something missing. That we are lacking. That we do not love each other or truly love God. He's been attacking my marriage (for a while now), and now he's targetting my children. Satan is a liar!! And so in the midst of these attacks, today I praise God! I praise God because He is above all things and above all gods. He is the life, the truth, and the way. There is no other! So gear up. Use your weapons. Praise Him!


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