Help My Unbelief
Psalm 77:19, "Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footprints were not seen." (referring to how God lead the Israelites through the Red Sea)
Ever felt certain that God was there... although you did not see Him?
I've felt that way many times. In fact, I feel that way right now.
We don't always see God working. We don't always know what it is that He is doing, but we can certainly be sure that He is doing something special just for us.
You know He is working things out in your favor, somehow. You can see the evidence of His doing. And you can almost trace back all of the clues... right back to Him.... but you don't actually see Him. You don't really see His face or hands or feet, but you know He is there for you.
And yet, it is so easy to not believe what we cannot see. It is easy to lack faith in a God that seems far. We may falter in our faith... we may stumble along the way due to lack of faith. We may even turn our backs to Him because we no longer believe.
Yet regardless of what we believe, God still remains.
You see, we don't define God. Instead, knowing Him brings true definition to whom we are. God doesn't need our faith. We need Him. And we need faith in Him. The more we learn to trust Him, although we don't always see Him, the stronger our faith will become.
There is a scripture reference in the gospels that talks about having faith enough to move a mountain. I don't think I've ever had that much faith. And I don't think that it is something that we can just learn to have instantly. However, I do believe if we can trust Him with the little things. If we can have enough faith to move a mo hill, eventually we will believe in moving that mountain.
Faith grows. It develops. So if you are feeling like you don't trust Him enough, or just don't have faith enough, know that: 1st of all, that doesn't change God's character and His willingness to be there for us; and 2nd of all, although you may not actually see Him, God is there.
I don't know what you might be going through today, but I know that He does.
I'm not sure how strong you are feeling in your faith, but I know that He cares for you.
I am unaware of any losses or troubles that you may be facing today, but I believe He is attentive.
If you are suffering from unbelief, pray to Him. And ask for just a bit of faith. Enough to help you... just for today. And do the same tomorrow, and the next day. Before you know it, you will have gained great faith!
-This morning, the kids and I dropped off several bags of clothing at the fire company. Thirty-one families lost their homes in a massive fire last week, and there is this collection taking place in their honor. The kids and I prayed for them in the car, as we drove away. We prayed that the things being donated would be a blessing to the families.
Still I know that those families might not see God's hand in all of this. In fact, they may only see despair right now. However, I believe that God is not inattentive to them and He is using many different ways to bless them.
Lastly, I pray that God would help them to believe even when there seems to be no evidence of good or God. I pray that their faith may grow just a little bit today. And I pray that the little girl who ends us wearing the pretty little shoes and warm snow boots we donated, may believe in her heart that God has provided for her. Those shoes are just a little clue... a little piece of evidence that God is faithful. We only need to believe!
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