Imagine Me

1 Corinthians 2:9, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, what God has prepared for those who love Him."

As with most young children, when I was a little girl I imagined myself becoming an array of things. The list could go on and on with all of the occupations I would dare to become.
A secretary, a mother, a flight attendant, a dancer, a nurse, a doctor, a missionary, a writer...
And I was certain that any of these was a very real possibility. In fact, I saw no boundaries or limitations, as I aspired and felt the sky was my limit.

I was someone important, and I would leave a mark in this world.
However, as I grew older I began to experience the dead ends, let downs, and even put downs that come with life, and my early perspective on life became a bit tainted.

I began to doubt myself. I began to second guess my thoughts and question the possibilities.
And although many may see this as a negative thing, it really isn't. You see as we begin to mature and develop, it is only natural to witness and experience the realities of life. And when we do experience those difficult times, we can acknowledge that we are limited and that there is a God on whom we must depend.

It is when we come to a dead end, that we can find a way out through God.
It is when our dreams are crushed, that we can appreciate what God has planned for us.
It is when our plans come tumbling down, that we can unravel the mystery of God's presence in our life.
It is when our hope is gone, that we can turn our faith to God.
It is in the unmet expectations and short lived aspirations, that we realize how human we are and how majestic God is.
It is in our shortcomings that we can truly appreciate that He is in control.

And so when I come to realize that my list of dreams was rather limited compared to what God has purposed for me, then I begin to "imagine me" in a way that I haven't before. Not since I was little girl, have I imagined myself this way. Victorious, strong, and capable. Encouraged, confident, and able.

When I think about the possibilities of what God has for me, I can just "Imagine me".


  1. This is amazing - and you are all those things and more to a lot of us. Thank you for your continued encouragement and allowing God to use you to speak to all of us! You are His vessel! And I LOVE the pic of you two!


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