When was the last time you told God you love Him?
Have you ever done so at all?
I must be honest. I seldom do tell Him. In fact, most of my conversations with God are filled with requests instead.
I do tell Him, however, how grateful I am for what He's granted. But I seldom remember telling Him how much I love Him.

And so today......

Dear God
I love you.

In the most unique of ways.
It's not that I want something from you.
It's not that I'm not satisfied.

I don't want to lavish you with words.
But have I said enough?

I am blemished and forsaken,
and I could never be enough.

So with these words, I say it all.
Waiting to hear your sweet and soft response.

I sit in wonder.
I wait in silence.
And then...just then, I hear you call.

It's in my spirit. Too deep to comprehend and too complex to explain.
And yet, I feel it. I know it. You, my king, love me within.

You love the little girl that professed your name with childlike faith.
You love the teen who lost her way.
You love the woman who still calls you friend.
You love me still.
You love me again.

So dear God,
I love you
and I felt the need to say it today...

Psalm 18:1, "I love you, O Lord, my strength."(David's words to God)


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